Teen boys first gay sex stories

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It was Friday night, his parents had to go out and it would take them a while to get back his father then kindly asked me to take care of him until they got back because they trusted me. I was afraid of doing something bad and unfortunately I did. I felt ashamed, blamed myself every night and cried I thought I would try something drastic with myself and end it all! I watched him from time to time and the attraction grew stronger.

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I was 19 at the time and watched him grow up to be 10 years old. He was a newcomer to the apartment we lived next to each other. That phase made me feel good, because when I was in public or around children of relatives, I never felt attracted until I met my neighbor’s son. First it was just watching pre-teen porn, you know, those short videos and little things like that then I started reading hentai porn manga and watching videos with kids. One thing I have never been proud of in my life is my obsession with little boys. I am attracted to little boys… ! I am afraid to touch them or rape them.

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