American dragon porn gay

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The emergence of his dragon powers also made him the first official magical dragon guardian of America 'The American Dragon'. On his thirteenth birthday, his magical abilities emerged fully and he was set to protect an underground magical community existing within his city and throughout the world. For example, while younger, during a race with Brad at Camp Mugwomp for the Mugwomp Cup, he unintentionally breathed fire, startling himself into tripping over a log to fall face first into mud, losing the race. Before his thirteenth birthday, Jake started getting glimpses of his dragon heritage. A descendant of a family of magical dragons, his two best friends are the feisty Trixie Carter and seemingly dim-witted Arthur 'Spud' Spudinski.

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Jake lives with his parents, Jonathan and Susan, and his younger sister Haley.

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Jacob 'Jake' Luke Long is a young Dragon who appears as a Chinese-American human/dragon hybrid teenager who lives in New York City and serves as its Magical Protector.įourteen-year-old Jake as he appears in the second and last season.

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