“Tutu”,The crowd watches the parade from the vantage point of a Dominick’s Grocery while a marcher rings a bell and a trombone wears a tutu, Chicago IL.Gay Pride Parade, 06-27-76, C-02, Diane Alexander White. Gay Pride Parade, 06-27-76, C-01, Diane Alexander White. The year of 2019 marks the 50 th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots which was a turning point in the modern Gay civil rights movement in the United States and globally, Chicago IL. “Kickoff”, A handmade sign proclaims the 7 th Annual Gay Pride Parade with a small Bicentennial flag in the lower right corner. And that day there was a lot to document. “In college I was always out there with a camera looking for opportunities to document what was on the street,” she says. She was still an undergraduate student at the University of Illinois, Chicago and she was out on the prowl for good shots - which was exactly what had brought her to the parade in the first place. Diane Alexander White, a photographer born, raised, trained and educated in the Windy City, remembers it vividly.
The year was 1976 and Chicago was hosting it’s 7th Annual Gay Pride Parade.