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R10: Please, don't post a help/advice question needing a local business without mentioning where you are or how far are you willing to travel, etc. R8: Articles must be submitted as Links, not as a Self-Post. R7: Headline & link format: No link shorteners or otherwise obscured links, including posts, text, and comments. Soft paywalls are allowed (like NY Times & ) R6: No links to articles behind hard paywalls (like Wall Street Journal).

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R5: When possible, link to the original article of a news story, and absolutely NOT a partisan re-write to make a political point. Content must have something to do with New Jersey. R3: No posts for information or requests for illegal products, services, or activities. R2: No reposts, redundant content, or old news.

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That goes for language you might have used in other subs. R1: No hate speech or trolling: Racism, homophobia, transphobia, antisemitism, sexism, & hate speech against minority groups, religions, or national origin is prohibited. NewJersey Subreddit Rules (Moderator discretion applies)Īdhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life.

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